There are several misconceptions floating around wealth management, such as the belief that if you earn below a certain amount of income, a wealth management strategy wouldn’t benefit or pertain to you. We’re here to dispel some of those misconceptions today, starting with this simple truth: wealth is not defined solely by your income but by the sum of your finances and your assets combined. Similarly, trusts are not solely for the incredibly wealthy and can be an essential tool in any wealth management strategy.

Due to these misconceptions, many people simply don’t believe they have any wealth to manage and don’t take advantage of the resources available to them, such as services like customized investment management through Trust Company of North Carolina. Before employing or dismissing any financial strategies, it’s important to first determine what the actual value of your estate is by reviewing your current finances, investments, and assets.

Once you have determined the actual range of your wealth, and what assets you have at your disposal, we can work with you to determine a suitable strategy for your unique set of needs and goals. Our team will work closely with you to explore all your options, such as custom-building your investment portfolio and discussing which trusts would best serve your needs and financial goals.

Doubt should never play a part in your financial strategy. That’s where our dedicated team of wealth consultants comes in, helping you strategize the best approach so you can always be confident that your wealth is being managed effectively.

Schedule a consultation today and we’ll help you get on the path to planning for your future.